Garden Landscape Feature: The Fringe Tree
The Old Man’s Beard Near the end of the long line of spring bloomers, Old Man’s Beard, also known as…
Cheap DIY Compost Tumbler
DIY Compost Tumbler When I was growing up, we had a “compost pile” that was nothing more than a pile…
The Benefits of Mulch and Compost in the Vegetable Garden
New tomato plant mulched with leaves The Benefits of Mulch and Compost in the Vegetable Garden Yesterday I finally made…
Easter Egg Garden Craft
Easter is just around the corner and I have an easy craft that you can whip up in less than…
Planning a Vegetable Garden
Planning a Vegetable Garden One of the decisions to be made at vegetable planting time is whether to start seeds…
How to Identify Cold Damage in Your Landscape
Indian Hawthron with Cold Damage How to Identify Cold Damage in Your Landscape In a winter like the…
4 Steps to Get Your Lawn Ready for Spring
Every year as spring fever approaches, die-hard turf grass enthusiasts head to garden centers and home improvement stores to begin…
Loaded Potato Soup Recipe|Cooking with Chives
Cooking with Chives The only thing I have harvestable in the garden at the moment are chives. The rest of my herbs…
Hunting for Spring
This is the time of year when I get a bit antsy. There’s always that warm weather streak that appears…
Atlanta Snowmageddon and the Harbinger of Spring
We live in a west Atlanta suburb. The past three weeks have been very non-typical weather-wise for this area. We…