About Us

Thanks for visiting our little space on the internet! We are Mark and Debbie: a husband and wife team. We live in a suburb outside of Atlanta, GA. We have two little crazy boys and a bunch of animals.

Our house is in an older neighborhood, built in the 70’s. We are lucky enough to have a wide open acre lot with plenty of space to garden. Over the years we have learned many things through trial and error. We love to share tips and tricks to help with your gardening endeavors!

We approach the garden from different angles.  An outdoor educator by training and plantsman by experience, Mark has an affinity for garden ecology. Debbie was educated in earth science and writing and is drawn to the beautiful and artistic aspects of gardening.

Our two boys “help” in the garden as well, mostly the digging and weeding. Our dogs like to romp in the backyard and chase away birds. Mostly, they provide free outside entertainment for us. Join us as we explore gardening techniques and great gardens in our area.





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2 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Love your website! I stumbled upon it via pinterest, and am happy to find that, like me, you guys are in the Atlanta area! I follow many garden blogs, but none that I ever feel like I can fully relate to, as they are always so far off with different climates. Anyway, thank you for sharing! I will definitely be reading regularly!

  2. Love your website…Love to garden & pickle…will let you know how it all turns out…Thank You,

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