Up lose view of different types of onions.

Step-by-Step Guide for Planting and Growing Onions

Onions play a significant role in most of the food our family eats. We use them raw, cooked, pickled, and “kimchi-fied” at breakfast, lunch, and dinner; and we love to grow them in the garden. Growing our own gives us a chance to experience all the different kinds of onions, including some unavailable in grocery…

How to Plant Garlic

How to Plant Garlic

Fall isn’t just about vibrant leaves and cooler days; it’s the perfect season to learn how to plant garlic. My garlic gardening journey began with excitement but was initially met with setbacks due to unrealistic expectations and limited knowledge. Through research and hands-on experience, I’ve grown to appreciate the art of garlic planting, especially in…

How to Select the Right Tomatoes for Your Garden

How to Select the Right Tomatoes for Your Garden

  Choose the Right Tomatoes Tomatoes are the number one homegrown backyard garden crop. If not for quantity, then for enthusiasm and anticipation. The promise of a full-flavored, juicy, thin skinned, meaty tomato drives gardeners, both new and well seasoned, to fantastic displays of devotion and dedication to this crop. But it all starts with selecting…