Summer Weekend Favorites #1


Summer Weekend Favorites

I can’t believe that it’s the last week of June. This summer is flying by! My oldest has about a month left of summer vacation 🙁 I pick up my niece and nephew for a 2 week visit next week 🙂 I need to start canning my summer harvest!!! Oh my, so much to do, so little time. It’s all part of life…here are my Summer Weekend Favorites.


This is the MOST BEAUTIFUL picture of food I have seen this week.

I am thrilled and excited that I am getting this recycled TerraCycle Bird Feeder.

Cheese Cake Popsicles sounds like a wonderful way to eat more berries!

I am halfway through Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor…hopefully the family will let me finish it this weekend.

We are up to our kneed in crookneck squash, so I added to my Summer Squash Quick Bread.

I am loving #FaceTheFoliage…going to try this with veggies of course!


Have a great weekend!



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