Great Plants To Start From Seed In 2015 Part 2

Great Plants To Start From Seed In 2015 Part 2
Pot Marigold by Gabrielle Ludlow via Flickr

The World Laughs in Flowers

For some reason, most of the folks I talk to about seed starting automatically think of vegetables. If you are already preparing to start plants from seed in the middle of Winter, why not try a few flowers too? Just as with veggies, starting your own flowers (either annuals or perennials) offers a wider pallet from which to choose.

There are lots of plants for which you can buy seeds, but starter plants are virtually non existent at planting time. Also, considering the out of pocket expense, seed starting is the cheaper way to go. Frugality is important with seed starting just as in all other aspects of gardening: if you find that you are starting a lot of seeds, consider making your own pots out of paper or cardboard; or do away with pots altogether and make soil blocks. However you choose to proceed, here are some beautiful flowers that you can start from seed that will enhance your landscape and attract pollinators while saving you money.

Great Plants To Start From Seed In 2015 Part 2
Nasturtium Mahogany by annashomedecor via Flickr

Nasturtium Mahogany

Bachelor’s Button Black Magic 

Butterfly Flower

Calendula Pot Marigold Pacific Beauty

Great Plants To Start From Seed In 2015 Part 2
Chocolate Flower by mlhradio via Flickr

Chocolate Flower 

Cosmos Psyche White

Flax Blue Lewis

Four O’Clock Marvel Of Peru

Great Plants To Start From Seed In 2015 Part 2
Purple hyacinth bean by Steven Severinghaus via Flickr

Hyacinth Bean Ruby Moon

Hyssop Lavender Hyssop

Linaria Fairy Bouquet

Great Plants To Start From Seed In 2015 Part 2
Lychnis Rose Campion by Oktober Bay via Flickr

Lychnis Rose Campion

Poppy Bread Seed Hungarian Blue

Portulaca Moss Rose Double

Sweet Pea High Scent

Ordinarily, we are not big flower gardeners. But many of these flowers fall under the “wildflower” category, which suits us just fine. Any flower that can be  planted and grow with little maintenance is good for us. The added bonus, besides for the aesthetics, is that they will attract bees and butterflies; something every gardener needs. What are you flowers are planning to start from seed this year?

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2 thoughts on “Great Plants To Start From Seed In 2015 Part 2

  1. So many I haven’t even finished my list!
    Borage and Calendula, which are supposed to aid strawberry and tomato production
    A rainbow of sweet peas and zinnias.
    But my main seed-growing project of 2015, what I’m really excited about…is herbs. Sure, many herbs, especially the perennials, are best grown from nursery cuttings. But I’m crazy about herbs, and seeds allow me to grow all kinds of basils, thymes, etc. which would be difficult to find at a nursery, and even if I could, one plant would cost the same price as a whole packet of herbs. Seeds let me cultivate an entire collection (Genovese Basil, Lemon Basil, Thai Basil, Purple Basil, etc.)

    1. Lazy Harp Seal
      Agreed 100%! By the way, cuttings of basil will root readily in a glass of water. We had a bunch this summer that we held a bit longer than expected and it had filled the glass with roots in only a couple of weeks. After starting seeds for the garden in Summer, you can take cuttings of your favorites to grow in the house before it gets cold. Have fun!

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