This is the time of year when I get a bit antsy. There’s always that warm weather streak that appears in the middle of winter. Enough to make you bust out your garden tools and start dreaming of vine ripened tomatoes. However, years of gardening has taught me to be patient. Mother nature whispers for me to bide my time and be on the search for the tell-tale signs.
Okay, so the Lenten Rose is not necessary a sure sign of spring since it blooms in winter. But it is a nice thing to see! Not many flowers choose to bloom in the cold.
My little friends the crocus started blooming a couple of weeks ago. They even survived out little ice/snow storm a week ago. This is a positive sign!
The Witch Hazel blossoms survived the ice/snow storm as well. They are hardy little boogers.
I saved the best for last! Daffodils!This proves that Spring is definitely on the way! Take the that Punxsutawney Phil!
Of course, even in our zone there is potential for frost until mid April. That doesn’t mean I can begin seed starting! Get out and see what signs of spring you can find!